Lesson 1: ICT Competency Standards for Philippine Pre-Service Teacher Education
I learned that hav ing Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) in our curriculum is significant because every future teacher teachers should possess/should be computer literate and as we are also part of 21 st century learners, we should know how to utilize the ICT resources to make good quality teaching-learning process. It can also make our work easier when it comes to making or printing out designs for classroom learning environment, facilitating a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies such as collecting and analyze data, interpreting the results, communicate findings and also in collaborating with colleagues to access information in support of professional learning. By the use of technology tools we can include images, videos, audio and readable texts in teaching and it would become more interesting especially for elementary grades. I felt that maybe I should explore more about the ICT in order to familiarize and develop my skills in using computer ...